We had quite the terrible day. I was a little late to work because I had to run to the pharmacy to pick up some Milk of Magnesia for Natalie. She's been a little 'um . . . stopped up for a few days. She took some of the MofM then I left for work. I stopped in on Natalie after my lunch and she wasn't doing too well. She was... well on the "toto" and barfing into the trash can. The vomit was green and thick. We settled her down and I went back to work. About 30 minutes later, she called and said that she was still puking and to come home. I went right home so I could take her to the doctor. I found her waiting outside and she hopped into the truck. We started off to the doctor's office while I called them on the cell phone to see if they had any kind of opening. Natalie was up-chucking into a zip-loc bag. I explained the situation to the doctor's assistant and she said she would call in a prescription to the pharmacy that would stop the nausea. She also suggested an enema. So, we turned around and went back towards the pharmacy. I felt it would be best for Natalie to wait in the car and I went into get the Rx. The pharmacy counter was busy and it wouldn't be ready for a few minutes. So I asked the pharmacist where I could find the "enema section". He wasn't sure so he shouts out over all the people in line to the stock-clerk very loudly, "HEY DAVE! CAN YOU SHOW THIS GUY WHERE HE CAN FIND THE..." He stopped short. He caught himself right before he shouted "ENEMA!" across the busy store. Good. I told him I would find it myself. I did. But, I didn't pick it up because I didn't want to walk around Walgreen's with just an "Easy Squeeze Fleet Enema 2-Pak" in my hand. So, I went back to check up on Natalie in the parking lot. She was puking out the open door onto the parking lot. She was also upset because the zip-loc bag was leaking a little bit and she got drops of greenish stomach juice on her new white shoe-laces. I helped settle her down and we both went back in to wait. She went into the restroom while I picked up some gator-aide. The pharmacy was busy and it was taking long. I went to the Walgreen's ladies room and cracked the door open. I could hear Natalie's vomit hitting the tile floor. She cleaned up the best she could and we got her and the prescription back home.
Now, let's just say we got her all fixed up but not before she spent some time on the bathroom floor. She looked so pathetic. She was remarking how she feels like one of those rock stars you see in the movies when they hit rock-bottom from some bad drug addiction. I knew what she meant... there's always the scene of them writhing on some hotel bathroom floor in their own fluid. That made us kind of laugh which stimulated her into more vomiting onto the bathroom floor. That was pretty much rock-bottom for her. I helped her draw a bath and soon, she was "totally relieved" and relaxing in her own tub... Where she threw-up one more time right into the bath water. So, after draining the water and rinsing off, she took the nausea medicine and was wrapped up in a warm blanket, in bed, sipping on some gator-aide. She was so tired. She fell asleep. After making sure she was OK, I ran a few errands. She was sleeping soundly when I got home. After that she woke up and felt pretty good. We had a very small dinner and retired to bed. She slept the whole night through. I left for work in the morning and received a mid-morning call from her saying that she had a great sleep and besides her stomach muscles being a bit sore, she felt great.
So to summarize the puking...
• on the toilet at home
• in my truck
• in the parking lot
• in Walgreen's ladies room
• on the bathroom floor
• in the bath tub
She also puked numerous other times when I was at work including both bathroom sinks.
Natalie is wonderful. Even while puking, she really has a great attitude.
I can't believe how lucky I am to have her. Things are settling down and we're getting excited for baby.