Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby Bump 22 weeks.

Here's another baby-bump picture. Everything is going great. We're starting to get so antsy about what the gender is. We set an appointment for January 2 for our ultrasound. Natalie is having crazy cravings. Yesterday we were at McDonald's late in the evening (around 10pm) to get an Ice Cream cone. But she went ahead and ordered a cheeseburger, too. Natalie is doing so great! 


Randi said...

TOO CUTE!!! Natalie it was so great to see you at the party on Saturday, and we missed you Joe!

Let us know what the baby is.. we are dying to know too!

K.B. said...

Gotta love those cheeseburgers! Taco Bell is the bomb too.

I love the belly!

It was great seeing you the other night. I wish e could have hung out more.

Take care and have a Merry Christmas!

roamingjones said...

You look beautiful!

Unknown said...

You look absolutley AMAZING! **In a moms voice**"You just have this glow about you!"