Thursday, October 16, 2008

Facts & Figures...

So readers may be wondering about the when and who and whatevers. Sometime in the middle of August, Natalie and I were arriving home from running an errand. As we were getting out of my little white truck, she said that she felt a little nauseated. Almost like she was pregnant, or something. Well, the next morning while I was eating a bowl of cereal, she came out into the living room and showed me a little sample strip that had two blue lines on it. That's it! It looks like we are going to have a baby. It's a wonderful surprise. We have not really been using any kind of control for a few years, now.

So, we are figuring that the baby is due on April 27th, 2009. Natalie is suspecting the baby is a girl. And, according to the Chinese Calendar for gender and as to when in the year conception occurred, there's a 56% chance it is a girl. Natalie has been dreadfully sick. But, she is handling it well. But besides being sick, she is also getting cabin fever from being cooped up in the house all the time not really being able to do much because of the nausea. I feel so helpless at times. I get awakened by her barfing in the middle of the night. I check to see if she's OK but, there's really not much I can do but massage her back and wait for things to get better. I wish I could take away the sickness.


Barbara said...

Parabens!! It's really exciting. I am really excited for you guys.:) You know moms do have that crazy intuition... I did and i was right, we are having a boy! :) Hopefully the 2nd trimester will be easier for her!

K.B. said...

That is exciting! Congratulations. We hope to see you guys soon.

Keith and Jenny said...

Congratulations !! That is awesome news. I assume if it is a boy you will have to name him Tex, Austin, Dallas, or something similar. We hope Natalie starts to feel better soon !!

Keith and Jenny !!

Theresa said...

Hang in there, Joe and Natalie! What an interesting and exciting time, isn't it? I also believe you are having a girl (not that my opinion means anything). It just sounds right. I wish we lived closer to you two! MIss you.
...Your cousin, Theresa